Registration of trade mane, trademark & patents
Creating your business is a matter of notoriety, so choosing a name or brand that sets you apart from your competitors is important. Certifying your invention and registering your name or brand also means avoiding surprises of possible claims.
Brand names
Having legal protection protecting the brand, guarantees you the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services for a period of 10 years renewable indefinitely.
You can assign rights to a brand to third parties through licence agreements. By registering your trademark, you will hinder the attempts of unfair competitors to use similar distinctive signs. You can take criminal action against third parties for malicious use and obtain the seizure of counterfeit goods.
It also grants civil actions for damages for unauthorized use of your trademark.
In turn, actions or claims are granted to oppose an application for registration or to invalidate a registration already granted, so that the owner of a trademark registration has the possibility of preventing a third party from registering a similar or identical mark to his own for the same or related coverage. If you have not objected in time, you can also try to cancel a mark granted.
Protection through trademark registration enables individuals and companies with skills and initiative to produce and market goods and services under the fairest possible conditions, thereby encouraging international trade.
Exclusivity with respect to the material on the register. Security regarding not invading third party rights, since you are guaranteed that after an affirmative review no one else will be able to claim to use your trademark, since you have been certified as the exclusive owner of it.

These documents are the most recently published means of technological dissemination.
They cover all technical sectors with what is new, applicable to industry and relevant at the international level.
They describe the invention clearly and completely. Patent documents in any country have a uniform structure that allows easy extraction of the requested information. They are arranged according to a unique classification system, the International Patent Classification (IPC), which allows the identification of patents by each specific area of technology.
This mechanism, which facilitates the search for information through computer systems, makes it possible to access and retrieve patent documents, more efficiently and reasonably safely than if other search parameters were involved.
These documents generally indicate the name and address of the applicant, owner and inventor. The latter is of greater interest when considered from a commercial point of view, i.e., to locate potential technology sources, to know the competitive environment of a market or to follow the activities of a particular company or, perhaps most importantly, to access a license.
In Gestoría G1, we have extensive experience in these procedures, we explain and inform you about all the processes, contact us.
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